Yvette Gullatt

Vice President for Graduate and Undergraduate Affairs and Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Chief Diversity Officer

Yvette Gullatt serves as vice president for graduate and undergraduate affairs; vice provost for equity, diversity and inclusion; and chief diversity officer for the University of California system.

She oversees systemwide programs, services and initiatives that maximize baccalaureate and graduate degree attainment, including outreach and educational partnerships, student affairs, financial aid, undergraduate admissions, graduate studies, teacher education and teacher professional development, and online education.  As chief diversity officer for the university, she leads institutional strategy to further UC as equitable and inclusive.

Yvette has served in a variety of University of California systemwide leadership positions, including vice provost for education partnerships, vice provost for diversity and engagement, and interim vice president for student affairs. Among other contributions, she has launched key initiatives to expand UC’s role in public education, including information systems that help schools increase access to college preparatory coursework and improve college eligibility rates; and partnerships with K–12 schools, California higher education institutions and community-based organizations to improve academic preparation for more first-generation, low-income and underrepresented students. She has led strategic expansion of graduate and undergraduate initiatives to support UC-wide diversity and inclusion efforts and has led development of new policies to ensure that all students, employees, alumni, and affiliates are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived or preferred name on university-issued identification documents and in UC’s information systems. Before joining the Office of the President, Dr. Gullatt served for eight years in a variety of administrative and leadership roles at UC Berkeley.

She received her BA, MA and PhD degrees from the University of California, Berkeley; her research interests include early African American life writing and Afro-Christian discourses of community development and nationalism.

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